Return to Power - Limpia Despacho and Power Retrieval

Create your own limpia despacho to clear out any heavy energy and retrieve your power to the here and now!

Are you feeling stuck or like something is not quite in flow? Maybe a heaviness that you can’t seem to be able to shake no matter which tools you use?

Have you given away your power to situations or people that don’t have your best interest at heart?

So often we pick up heavy energy from challenging situations or people we meet on the way. And we also produce our own fair share of heavy energy when we don’t act, speak, think or BE in alignment with our soul.

This adds up quickly, and we end up being overwhelmed, we feel stuck and exhausted. In this state, we are even more likely to give our power away to the opinions and actions of others.We give our power away to situations or incidents in time where we are not sure what our own truth is or where we are not sure of which steps to take.

This can happen consciously, but more often unconsciously.

The truth is you are being called to BE in your full unique expression.
You are being called to STAND in your own truth. You are called to WALK your own path.
This time is now.

And for that, your energy field needs to be pure, and you have got to have access to your full power.

But how can you return to this place of wholeness once your energetic field is burdened by heavy energy, and you have given your power away?

 The Q’ero people, who are direct descendents from the Inka, have transmitted powerful, effective and simple tools to heal the soul and return to your wholeness. First we have to make an offering to restore reciprocity with the spirit allies for their help and support, then we receive a deep healing by those spirits, and then we go on to transcend time and space and retrieve our power back to the here and now that is us in this present moment.

The Workshop

In the healing ceremony RETURN TO POWER, you are going to go through a deep purification of your energetic field with the help of a special limpia Despacho - clearing out all the heaviness that you have accumulated and is dimming your light. Even those deeply ingrained ancestral patterns!

You will be guided to create an andean shamanic “limpia Despacho” – an special offering to your spirit allies, which will then act like a sponge in attracting heavy energy while being moved on the body and through the energetic field, healing your energetic field in the process.

Once the clearing of your energetic vessel is complete, the second part of the healing will begin.
Now it is time to call back your power from moments in your lifetime where you have given away your power consciously or unconsciously. By retrieving our power from situations and people, we are activating our own creation power, empowering our voice and our purpose in this lifetime.

The practices that you’ll learn will become a valuable tool for your well-being, transformation and journey to purpose that can be practiced anytime that you need them. 

Limpia Despacho

The Limpia Despacho is a special Despacho that facilitates a deep purification of your energetic field. The Limpia Despacho has the power to cleanse those really old and sticky blocks that you cannot seem to get rid of with the usual energetic cleansing methods. 

This is not your usual Despacho on paper for manifestation, but a very specific one for cleansing yourself and your ancestral patterns with specific ingredients and prayers.  

You'll receive a PDF Ingredient List for this Despacho!

It is bundled up into a soft sponge soaking up all the dense energy of your energetic field when moved over your entire body. This healing goes on for a few days until the Despacho has soaked up all the heavy energy from all states of your being and is being released. 

Power Retrieval

To protect our power is essential. We need our own power to live our purpose, to remain centered in challenging phases of our life. Our own power is our capacity  of how we are able to meet and experience life.

Unconsciously or consciously we often give our power away when we value the truths of others more than our own, when we follow a path that is not ours, or even when we take on the perceptions and opinions others have about us. We also give our power away to the incidents that happen to us, to the trauma we experience and store within.

To call your power back from those relations, from situations or trauma is an essential tool, to come back to YOU - your power. It is a couragous act of taking your future into your own hands - with the help of the divine!

 HEALING CEREMONY - Limpia Despacho & Power Retrieval


 ✓how heavy energy is created
 ✓how it impacts your spiritual and pyhsical wellbeing
✓how to create an Andean "LIMPIA DESPACHO"
✓how to call back your power "POWER RETRIEVAL"


✓Deep cleansing of your entire being
✓Release of ancestral patterns
✓Healing of your energetic field
✓Accessing your full power
Empowered experience of your TRUTH, STRENGTH and PURPOSE

Once you sign up you can immediately access the 2,5h recording and all the course materials to study and experience in your own time!

You'll have lifetime access to this course!

This workshop is intended as a resource that you can always come back to and receive this healing anytime that you need it. You can use these practices to work with your clients. 

Who is this for?

Whether you're a seasoned energetic practitioner or new to the world of energy medicine or the andean tradition. This is a guided ceremony that is accessible to everyone feeling the call to release heavy energy and remember their wholeness. 

Come join us in this ancient healing ceremony - clear out anything that does not serve you and return to your power now!

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Saskia is a mesacarrier that has been and is still learning directly from powerful Andean Masters. She carries and serves the Lineage of the Illa Quanchis of Chinchero, the Q’ero Lineage and the Qosqo Lineage. She has the full backing and permission of her lineage elders to share these sacred teachings with you.

In her classes she transmits the core of the Andean Tradition in a pure and authentic way while alchemizing it with her own experiences of walking in harmony and service of Pachamama and the nature forces for over 8 years. Her classes are clearly structured, playful and transformative. Saskia’s mission is to teach you effective and simple practices to help you realize your full unique potential. 

The Andean Tradition teaches us how to move energy consciously to create flow and harmony in your life and your relationships, to empower and nurture yourself by connecting to nature. This Tradition is a tradition of alliances and walking this path will guide you into deepening your connection to Pachamama, Spirit and yourself.